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5 Most Epic Battles From Marvel Vs DC [COMIC BOOKS]



Zack Snyder’s Justice League,[7] commonly referred to as the “Snyder Cut“, is the upcoming director’s cut of the 2017 American superhero film Justice League. It presents Justice League—the fifth film of the DC Extended Universe (DCEU) and based on the DC Comics superhero team of the same name—as director Zack Snyder had intended it before he left the production and Joss Whedon took over his duties. It features an ensemble cast that includes Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Gal Gadot, Ezra Miller, Jason Momoa, Ray Fisher, Jeremy Irons, Diane Lane, Connie Nielsen, and J. K. Simmons. Like the theatrical release, Zack Snyder’s Justice League follows the Justice League—Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, Aquaman, and Cyborg—as they attempt to save the world from the catastrophic threat of Steppenwolf and his army of Parademons.

The theatrical Justice League, released by Warner Bros. in 2017, suffered a difficult production. Its script underwent major changes before and during production between 2016 and 2017. In May 2017, Snyder stepped down during post-production following the death of his daughter, and Whedon took over, completing the film as an uncredited director. Whedon oversaw reshoots and other changes that added a brighter tone and more humor, and cut the runtime down to 120 minutes in accordance with a mandate from Warner Bros. The theatrical Justice League was a box-office disappointment and received mixed reviews, leading Warner Bros. to re-evaluate the future of the DCEU and focus development on individual films.

As details surfaced about the film’s troubled production and its state before Snyder stepped down, many fans expressed interest in an alternate cut more faithful to Snyder’s vision. Fans and members of the cast and crew petitioned for the release of this, which they nicknamed the Snyder Cut. At the time, industry insiders regarded the release as unlikely. However, Warner Bros. decided to move ahead with it in February 2020; the following May, Snyder announced that the original cut would be released as Zack Snyder’s Justice League via the streaming service HBO Max. The restoration will cost around $70 million to complete the visual effects, score, editing, and additional shooting.




8 Actors Who Hated Their Costumes [MOVIES]

Number 1
Jennifer Lawrence as mistique
Before Jennifer Lawrence achieved global fame by becoming the Mockingjay in The Hunger Games series, she played a young Mystique in 20th Century Fox’s X-Men prequel X-Men: First Class, a role she reprised in X-Men: Days of Future Past and X-Men: Apocalypse. As one can imagine, becoming Mystique can take quite awhile in the dressing room, especially if the production team wants to utilize as many practical effects as possible. But that tends to have an adverse effect on the actress.
Leading up to the release of First Class, a behind-the-scenes featurette revealed that Lawrence had to undergo a seven-hour makeup process every time she needed to appear as Mystique. “I love working with Bryan, and I love these movies,” she told Entertainment Weekly. “It’s just the [body] paint.” When she initially signed on as Mystique, she didn’t care about “fumes and toxins. Now I’m almost 25, and I’m like, ‘I can’t even pronounce this, and that’s going in my nose? I’m breathing that?'”
Luckily for her, that makeup process was cut down to approximately three hours for Days of Future Past, and then again for Apocalypse. For the sequels, she was able to wear a body suit instead of being fully covered in paint.
Number 2
Ron Perlman as Hellboy
Ron Perlman has spent a great deal of his career hiding his face under makeup and prosthetics, but of all the roles he’s played, perhaps his most famous was the hero in Guillermo del Toro’s Hellboy movies.
According to makeup artist Jake Garber, “The makeup on Ron [Perlman] was all foam prosthetic pieces. The first piece we applied was a back and chest piece that flipped over his head, went along his jawline and rested on his pectorals; that’s the chest muscles in front of him.” It’s a process that took over four hours to complete, and one that Perlman underwent 86 times for the series’ first movie. Del Toro believes part of the reason Perlman didn’t immediately want to make a third installment is because of the makeup process: “He really grew tired of the makeup in the second film and he was really rubbed the wrong way by those seven-hour sessions.” Still, even though he hated the process, Perlman has admitted to finding gratification in playing Hellboy.
Number 3
Scarlett Johansson as black widow
Black Widow might have had red in her ledger, but Scarlett Johansson had sweat in her boots. According to ABC News, Johannson told Nightline that during the first Avengers movie, “It was so hot, I would wring out my socks at the end of the day.” That’s a lovely picture.
That’s gross, but also it’s understandable considering the fact that her Black Widow costume was like a “wetsuit” and wasn’t pleasant in the heat. In fact, it got so hot that she actually hallucinated for a bit while filming a fight scene. Johansson also compared her multiple costumes to tires, because her stunts would wear each one down until she needed to replace them.
Number 4
Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn
Margot Robbie might absolutely (and quite literally) slay in her Harley Quinn hot pants in Suicide Squad, but she’s definitely not a fan of them. While a lot of folks are making the character out to be an overtly sexual piece of eye candy, Robbie said that Quinn likes them “because they’re sparkly and fun” and not because she wants guys ogling her. But while Harley’s happy, Robbie herself wasn’t, because of the way it made her hyper-aware of her appearance.
“As Margot, no, I don’t like wearing that. I’m eating burgers at lunchtime, and then you go do a scene where you’re hosed down and soaking wet in a white T-shirt, it’s so clingy and you’re self-conscious about it,” Robbie told the New York Times. Turns out that she’s worried about everyone looking at her in more than one way—understandable when you’re rocking cotton candy pigtails, hot pants, and a mallet.
Number 5
Ben Affleck as batman
Ben Affleck has made it known that he’s not a huge fan of the Batsuit he wore in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. While many a fanboy would love to don the cape and cowl, Affleck called it “the most humiliating, ridiculous thing in the world.” According to Total Film (via IGN), this is because the Batsuit was really a motion capture suit that allowed for greater range of movement. He even gave it a nickname: his “visual effects pajamas.” He might have felt it was embarrassing to wear the outfit because it didn’t make him feel badass like Batman, but at least there were no Bat-nipples.
Number 6
Paul Bettany as vision
Paul Bettany belongs to a very exclusive club in the MCU, having played more than one character in the shared universe. For years, he voiced J.A.R.V.I.S., Tony Stark’s advanced artificial intelligence system. However, since the events of Joss Whedon’s Avengers: Age of Ultron, Bettany has taken on the role of Vision—a creation of both Ultron and Stark whose consciousness is powered by the Mind Stone.
During his years playing J.A.R.V.I.S., Bettany felt guilty coming in at the end of production and doing his lines, because he thought he had the easiest job in the world. “I feel like a pirate. This is robbery. I walk in, I say some lines on a piece of paper for two hours, and then they give me a bag of money, and I leave, and I go about my day. I sort of feel guilty because at least acting can be exhausting with long hours, but I do nothing!” Things changed rapidly for him, because he not only had to start acting on-camera, but he had to do it in costume—which is something he didn’t like very much.
“It’s pretty painful, it’s uncomfortable,” Bettany told USA Today of his Vision superhero costume. “You’re working in it for ten hours and not really being able to hear well. There’s only [so] much of your face open to the air.” He said it started out okay at first, but quickly grew annoying. “…The third day gets a bit tough. By the fourth and fifth day of the week, you are really having to meditate on the line of actors, thousands of them, who would love to be in your position. You have to concentrate on how lucky you are.” Well, there’s no arguing there.
Number 7
Robert Downey, Jr. As Iron Man
Since making his debut as Iron Man in 2008, Robert Downey, Jr. has worn numerous versions of his superhero costume. It wouldn’t be financially feasible for Marvel Studios to build each suit, nor would it convert well onto the big screen, which is why the studio has chosen to go full CGI over the past few years.
In fact, according to Industrial Light & Magic Animation Director Marc Chu, Downey hasn’t worn a practical version of the suit in years. “[He] knew he did not have to wear as much of the suit, and that would make him a lot more comfortable,” Chu said of using CGI versus practical effects. Still, though, occasionally Downey does wear what they refer to as the “football suit” in a few scenes, like at the end of Joss Whedon’s The Avengers.
Although Downey doesn’t necessarily hate wearing the Iron Man suit, he understands the physical toll it can take on the wearer. “I’d been training all these years and thought I was pretty tough, but the first time I put on the Mark 1 suit, I almost had a personality meltdown,” he said. “I’m not claustrophobic, but after moving around in it for a couple of hours, your spirit is kind of broken and you’re like, ‘Okay, time to bring in the stunt team.'”
Number 8
Anne Hathaway as catwoman
Selina Kyle, a.k.a. Catwoman, is one of the oldest and most prominent characters in comic book history, having debuted in the first issue of Batman’s self-titled series in 1940. According to Batman co-creator Bob Kane, he and Bill Finger wanted to inject sex appeal into their then-forthcoming Batman comic series, which is why they decided to base Selina Kyle on ’30s movie star Jean Harlow, and why the character tends to wear skintight black leather.
A number of actresses have portrayed Catwoman over the years, beginning with Julie Newmar in the ’60s, and they’ve each worn head-to-toe black leather. In the mid-’00s, Halle Berry’s version of the costume became the most revealing of the bunch. She didn’t mind, though; in fact, she found it one of the best parts of filming the critically maligned movie. “[The suit was] the highlight of the whole movie experience. It was empowering. Besides the obvious sex appeal, it really takes a certain level of confidence to pull it off. We all have physical flaws, but you can’t hide them when you’re wearing it.”
Anne Hathaway, who played Catwoman in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises, couldn’t disagree more. “[The costume] was a psychological terrorist,” Hathaway told Allure. “The suit, thoughts of my suit, changing my life so I would fit into that suit…It dominated my year. I went into the gym for ten months and didn’t come out.” That sentiment is something Michelle Pfeiffer, who played Catwoman in Tim Burton’s Batman Returns, agrees with. “It was probably really unhealthy, and it would literally just start to squeeze my skin,” Pfeiffer told E! Online. “I was only allowed to wear it for so many hours.”

Origin of Talia Al Ghoul [COMIC BOOKS]

Talia is the daughter of Ra’s Al Ghul and the mother of the late Damian Wayne. Much of her background is not clearly explained though her history is relatively well known. Ra’s met her mother (sometimes referred to as Melisande) at the Woodstock Musical Festival. She was a woman of Chinese and Arab descent. Her mother died soon after her birth (in one version she overdosed on drugs, in the more recent version she was murdered by one of Ra’s’ former servants). After her death Talia was taken care of by her father, as she traveled the world and learned all the skills she would need to help her father with his criminal empire, including espionage and hand-to-hand combat.

5 comic book Characters Batman Slept With [COMIC BOOKS]

Number 5. Bekka.
A New God of New Genesis, Bekka’s connection to the Caped Crusader is engaging for one distinct reason — the attraction is not authentic. Because she is the God of Love, Batman falls under her spell during Superman/Batman. Her powers work similar to those of a siren’s call, as one cannot help but succumb to desire for her. Coincidentally, Bekka is mesmerized by the Dark Knight as well, since her powers work both ways. Unable to resist one another they make love, resulting in Bekka cheating on her husband, Orion. Luckily for her, all is forgiven.
This particular love affair, though it is no fault of his own, causes Batman to reevaluate certain aspects of his perpetually influxing love life. If nothing else, the short-lived romance gives readers a brief glimpse into the hero’s cursory thoughts on intimacy.

Number 4. Black Canary.
It is clear that Black Canary likes Batman, because the two have locked lips many times. So it should be no surprise that Batman and Black Canary kiss (and more!) in All-Star Batman and Robin The Wonder Boy. The relationship between Batman and Black Canary is a strange one, to say the least. But it is made stranger by Frank Miller, who often writes outlandish story lines that seem out of character, out of place, or both.
All-Star Batman and Robin The Wonder Boy tells the story of how Dick Grayson became Robin. Batman basically kidnaps the kid and tries to keep him scared and frightened to keep his mind off the death of his parents. He tries to starve him as well, and force him to eat rats. While this is all going on, Black Canary is out causing trouble, and Batman intervenes a fight. Out of nowhere, Batman and Black Canary kiss, and then have sex in the rain.

Number 3. Batgirl.
On Friday, leaked footage from The Killing Joke surfaced on Twitter, depicting a sex scene between Bruce Wayne’s Batman and Barbara Gordon’s Batgirl. Reviews of the film confirmed the scene’s existence. Later, another scene appeared on YouTube, revealing a conversation between Barbara and Bruce in which Barbara says, “it was just sex for God’s sake! It doesn’t have to mean anything, it’s not like we have to care! I don’t care, you don’t care. We just go back like it was, that’s all!” The conversation feels aptly adolescent for a character like Barbara, but mind-meltingly 

Number 2. Talia Al ghul.
Apart from Selina Kyle a.k.a Catwoman, Talia al Ghul is inarguably the most famous of Batman’s love interests. As the mother of his son, Damian, their relationship is equal parts tumultuous and admirable. Although, it is probably safe to say tumultuous is the more apt word to use in describing Bruce and Talia, especially considering the way their child was conceived in Grant Morrison’s Batman run.
Because she is the daughter of Ra’s al Ghul, Talia and Batman are often depicted at odds despite their romantic involvement. The dynamic between the two is of more intrigue since she is his equal in combat proficiency, but only gets to occasionally act as an ally due to their differing moral beliefs. Regardless of the various ups and downs, though, he remains her beloved.

Still, even the most casual of Bat-fanatics know that she is the mother of Bruce Wayne’s child, Damian Wayne. Talia‘s relationship with Batman is complicated, to say the least. Depending on the circumstance, she is either his one true romantic love and steadfast ally in crime-fighting, or she is his bitter enemy.

Number 1. Catwoman.
Selina Kyle, also known as Catwoman, is a fictional character associated with DC Comics’ Batman franchise and created by Bill Finger and Bob Kane. Currently portrayed as an orphan who learned to survive on Gotham City’s streets, Selina took to thievery to survive… but determined to do it in style, she learned martial arts and trained extensively to perfect her skills in cat burglary. Her criminal activities are often tempered by a reluctant altruism, making her an inconstant villain and occasional ally to Batman. She regularly eludes capture by the Dark Knight and maintains a complicated, adversarial relationship with Batman that frequently turns flirtatious and occasionally, legitimately romantic. She’s one of Batman’s best known loves.
When it was announced in 2017 that Batman and Catwoman were finally getting married, the Bat-fandom erupted in a level of joy usually reserved for royal weddings. But when Catwoman left the Dark Knight at the altar (a rooftop) at the end of Batman #50, the Bat-fandom erupted in a rage usually reserved for bad TV finales. In Tom King’s Batman finale, the pair finally tie the knot.

10 Superheroes Wearing Lantern Rings [COMIC BOOKS]

That Have Wielded a Lantern Power Ring
In the DC Universe, there is a source of energy unlike the others- the Emotional Spectrum that aligns with a color spectrum. Red is Rage. Orange is Avarice. Yellow is Fear. Green is Willpower. Blue is Hope. Indigo is Compassion. Violet is Love.
Through specific focus and dedication to one of the emotions, you can be chosen to wield a Power Ring. These power rings grant the wearer extraordinary abilities, depending on what color they wield. Many heroes have gone on to wield a Lantern Power Ring, from Superman to Wonder Woman to the Flash. Here are 10 of our favorites.

Red Lantern Supergirl

During the new 52, Kara Zor-El is the Red Daughter of Kypton, fueled by the rage of loss, isolation, and constantly being manipulated. When Lobo pushes her too far, she refuses to be pushed any further and lashes out in a display of extreme brutality.
In this moment Supergirl is overcome with an unbridled rage, and from across the universe, a Red Lantern ring finds her and calls to her. Then, her powerful bloodlust becomes unstoppable. A legion of Green Lanterns can hardly slow her down, as she has the powers of both Kryptonian and Blood Red Lantern.

Yellow Lantern Superman

In another storyline, Superman was searching all over Metropolis after children had been kidnapped. And yes, Superman can hear every heart beat in the world and smell every scent, but somehow he couldn’t hear these children. He couldn’t find them at all. But he promised their parents he would find them. And a promise is a promise to the Man of Steel. When he finally meets the kidnappers, two children with strange magical energy, Superman is defeated with incredible ease.
This makes Superman afraid… afraid of losing the children, afraid of failing the parents, and afraid that he couldn’t keep his promise. He felt more weak then ever. And it was in that moment, with enough fear, that the very entity that powers the Yellow Lantern of Fear, Parallax, possessed Superman. Never a more fearful duo has there been since.

Yellow Lantern Batman

Batman always has a contingency plan. In fact, he’s prepared from the most impossible and improbable situations, because frankly, many of the situations he once thought impossible have come to pass. When another multiverse’s villainous team, called the Crime Syndicate, takes out the entirety of The Justice League, it’s up to Batman to stop each of them one by one.
One of the members of the Crime Syndicate, Power Ring, had an emotional spectrum ring as well. It turns out, Batman had saved a Yellow Lantern ring in his private arsenal, ready specifically for a time like this. And no one feels and can cause fear more than the Batman himself.

Black Lantern Martian Manhunter

There is a long foretold event referenced in the the Green Lantern Oath. The Blackest Night was a daunting a terrible future that many chose to deny. However, what was once a fanatical religious belief revealed itself to be true. The Blackest Night saw the rise of a powerful villain who could access a new emotional spectrum power ring: The Black Lantern.
It was Black Hand, a man obsessed with death, who led to the rise of the Black Lanterns. He gained the power of necromancy, and revived all the once dead members of The Justice League. Martian Manhunter is already arguably more powerful than Superman before his resurrection. And with the undying power of a Black Lantern? He was truly a terrifying foe.

White Lantern Swamp Thing

The Blackest Night was met with the equally powerful, and equally as unexpected event: The Brightest Day. The Yellow Lantern leader, Sinestro, found the opposing force to the Black Lantern. He uncovered the White Lantern. The Lantern of Life! With it, many heroes once dead, or being possessed by the Black Lantern power, were brought back to life. They were each gifted the power of a White Lantern ring temporarily.
One particular hero embodied life in a way never seen before or since. Swamp Thing, who is the Avatar of the Green, all plant life on Earth, if not the universe, tapped into the power of life unlike any Avatar before him. With his power, his every movement breathed life into his surroundings.

Green Lantern Green Arrow

Hal Jordan’s Green Lantern has always fought against Sinestro. Even when Sinestro was considered a “good guy”, there was competition. There was jealousy. And Sinestro wanted nothing more than to destroy Hal Jordan. As soon as he got the chance, Sinestro drove Hal into madness and made sure that the whole of the Justice League hated him.
And yet, Green Arrow still chose to fight for his friend. While his constructs are not as refined as Hal’s, nor as creative as Kyle Rayner’s, nor methodical as John Stewarts, they are certainly effective. He constructs an arrow that pierces straight through Sinestro’s heart, using his perfect aim and powerful will.

Indigo Lantern Atom

During the Blackest Night, not all of the Justice League’s heroes were taken by the Black Hand. Some of them were recruited by other Lantern Corps in order to fight against the Black Lanterns. Many of them already had a natural predisposition to one particular type of emotional power.
Atom turns out to be an incredible Indigo Lantern, able to feel and inspire compassion amongst others. With his acceptance into the Indigo Lantern tribe, he learns how to siphon the emotional energy of others, and use their powers along with his. Just as he can shrink and grow, he can shrink and grow the very emotional energy of others to fight his foes.

Star Sapphire Wonder Woman

It is Wonder Woman who eventually joins the Star Sapphires. Her love for Steve Trevor, for the Justice League, and for humanity itself shines through and calls a Violet Lantern ring her way. Those with the Star Sapphire ring have a unique ability called True Love sight.
This is when a Star Sapphire exerts their energy to make their Sapphire glow bright with Violet Light. That light then shows others the very thing that their hearts desire, and the love that they crave. This is a powerful neutralizing tool, and a great way to drive others to madness. On top of her Lasso of Truth, the Star Sapphire Wonder Woman will always know exactly what you want.

Red Lantern Mera

Two things forced Mera down a path of murderous rage. Two things broke her. Two loves that she lost: Arthur Curry, and Arthur Curry, Jr., her very own child. While most comic book characters come back from the dead, Arthur Curry Jr. never has.
In the Blackest Night, she is called on to wield a Red Lantern ring, and her rage consumes her. She uses Atlantean magics coupled with the Blood Lantern power, burning her way through every enemy. She decimated entire legions on her own until her beloved husband Aquaman was saved by the White Lanterns.

Blue Lantern Flash

Barry Allen was unprepared for the Blackest Night. Even he couldn’t outrun the event. Nor could he outrun the Lantern Ring that chased him, and called on him to take the responsibility of being a Blue Lantern. It was his duty to be a beacon of Hope, and maintain the Hope of those heroes who were still alive.
The Flash found Hope in the Blackest Night, and fought alongside the Blue Lantern Leader, Saint Walker. Blue Lanterns have the ability to positively affect every other Lantern Power, removing Rage and Avarice and Fear, and boosting positive emotions like Willpower and Compassion. With his super speed, he could boost the entire Justice League in less than a second.

Who is your favorite Power Ring wearing DC Comics hero?



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